Scuola Sup. di Studi Univ. e Perfezionamento S.Anna di PISA
Risultati 1 - 10 di 10 (tempo di esecuzione: 0.001 secondi).
EU Migration Diplomacy: Challenges to the International Protection of Human Rights and Guiding Principles for a Renewed Approach to Migration Management
2022-01-01 Partipilo, FRANCESCA ROMANA
Frontex at a turning point? Fabrice Leggeri’s resignation and some prospects for the EU Border and Coast Guard Agency
2022-01-01 Partipilo, FRANCESCA ROMANA
Global Compact for Migration Commentary: Objective 9 – Strengthen the transnational response to smuggling of migrants
2018-01-01 Partipilo, FRANCESCA ROMANA
Humanitarian organisations under cyber-attack: emerging threats and humanitarian actors’ responsibilities under international human rights law
2023-01-01 Partipilo, FRANCESCA ROMANA; Stroppa, Marta
La chiusura dei porti alle navi umanitarie nel diritto internazionale: diritti ed obblighi di Stati e capitani
2022-01-01 Partipilo, FRANCESCA ROMANA
La Grande Camera si pronuncia sull’ambito di applicazione dell’articolo 4 CEDU
2020-01-01 Partipilo, FRANCESCA ROMANA
Rappresentanza del minore dinanzi alla Corte EDU e nomina di un curatore speciale
2019-01-01 Partipilo, FRANCESCA ROMANA
The European Union’s Policy on Search and Rescue in the New Pact on Migration and Asylum: Inter- State Cooperation, Solidarity and Criminalization
2021-01-01 Partipilo, FRANCESCA ROMANA
The UK – Rwanda Migration Partnership under the scrutiny of the Strasbourg Court: Externalising asylum while bypassing refugee law?
2022-01-01 Partipilo, FRANCESCA ROMANA
The War in Ukraine and the Temporary Protection Directive: tackling a short-lived conflict or a protracted humanitarian disaster?
2022-01-01 Partipilo, FRANCESCA ROMANA