Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
EU - Europa 6.236
NA - Nord America 5.716
AS - Asia 1.756
AF - Africa 28
OC - Oceania 17
Continente sconosciuto - Info sul continente non disponibili 16
SA - Sud America 14
Totale 13.783
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 5.583
IT - Italia 2.584
GB - Regno Unito 1.287
UA - Ucraina 737
DE - Germania 566
SG - Singapore 472
KR - Corea 444
CN - Cina 438
DK - Danimarca 402
VN - Vietnam 224
FR - Francia 135
FI - Finlandia 133
CA - Canada 125
SE - Svezia 110
IE - Irlanda 109
IN - India 57
NL - Olanda 40
ES - Italia 31
NO - Norvegia 23
JP - Giappone 19
AE - Emirati Arabi Uniti 16
AU - Australia 14
EU - Europa 14
PK - Pakistan 12
IR - Iran 11
PL - Polonia 11
MA - Marocco 10
PT - Portogallo 10
AT - Austria 8
RU - Federazione Russa 8
TW - Taiwan 8
CH - Svizzera 7
HK - Hong Kong 7
BR - Brasile 6
EG - Egitto 6
ID - Indonesia 6
IQ - Iraq 6
CO - Colombia 5
MD - Moldavia 5
MY - Malesia 5
RO - Romania 5
TR - Turchia 5
HR - Croazia 4
MX - Messico 4
BG - Bulgaria 3
IL - Israele 3
KG - Kirghizistan 3
MT - Malta 3
NZ - Nuova Zelanda 3
PH - Filippine 3
RS - Serbia 3
TH - Thailandia 3
ZA - Sudafrica 3
ZW - Zimbabwe 3
A1 - Anonimo 2
AL - Albania 2
BN - Brunei Darussalam 2
BY - Bielorussia 2
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 2
LA - Repubblica Popolare Democratica del Laos 2
MO - Macao, regione amministrativa speciale della Cina 2
NG - Nigeria 2
PA - Panama 2
AM - Armenia 1
BB - Barbados 1
BE - Belgio 1
BO - Bolivia 1
CL - Cile 1
CR - Costa Rica 1
DZ - Algeria 1
GH - Ghana 1
GR - Grecia 1
HU - Ungheria 1
KZ - Kazakistan 1
LK - Sri Lanka 1
LT - Lituania 1
LV - Lettonia 1
MU - Mauritius 1
PE - Perù 1
PS - Palestinian Territory 1
QA - Qatar 1
SA - Arabia Saudita 1
SK - Slovacchia (Repubblica Slovacca) 1
TM - Turkmenistan 1
TZ - Tanzania 1
UZ - Uzbekistan 1
Totale 13.783
Città #
Southend 946
Chandler 753
Woodbridge 438
San Mateo 396
Daejeon 390
Ann Arbor 389
Singapore 372
Houston 346
Jacksonville 339
Dearborn 296
Pisa 225
Falls Church 214
Seattle 193
Rome 191
Fairfield 184
Beijing 179
Cambridge 161
Guangzhou 156
Boardman 143
Wilmington 143
Milan 142
Ashburn 133
Dong Ket 126
Stevenage 120
Portsmouth 119
Lawrence 117
Dublin 97
Fremont 91
Florence 81
Montréal 62
Redwood City 59
Seoul 50
Helsinki 45
Old Bridge 44
Serra 43
Santa Clara 40
Brooklyn 38
Ottawa 38
Turin 38
Naples 33
Los Angeles 29
Lucca 29
Palermo 25
San Giuliano Terme 25
Kristiansand 23
Padova 23
Munich 21
Verona 21
London 20
Bologna 19
Madrid 19
San Diego 19
Catania 17
Pescara 16
Redmond 16
Argenta 15
Brescia 15
Caserta 15
Genoa 15
Ancona 14
Genova 14
Groningen 14
Amsterdam 13
Lecce 13
Udine 13
Bari 12
Buti 12
Torino 12
Arcole 11
Camponogara 11
Kolkata 11
Messina 11
Trieste 11
Dallas 10
Livorno 10
Perugia 10
Pontedera 10
Scuola 10
Sydney 10
Toronto 10
Modica 9
Nanjing 9
Norwalk 9
Parma 9
Sacile 9
Senigallia 9
Siena 9
Simi Valley 9
Vicopisano 9
Al Ain City 8
Calci 8
Foggia 8
Lachine 8
Segrate 8
Shanghai 8
Dalmine 7
Dongguan 7
Ivrea 7
Reggio Calabria 7
Santa Maria a Vico 7
Totale 8.758
Nome #
Il Time Driven Activity Based Costing per la gestione dei costi in logica di spending review: riflessioni da un caso di azienda ospedaliera 454
Integrare gli SDGs nella misurazione della performance 269
Il Time Driven Activity-Based Costing per la gestione dei costi in logica di spending review: riflessioni da un caso di azienda ospedaliera 183
Change in the relevance of cost information and costing systems: evidence from two Italian surveys 181
Analyzing intellectual capital information in sustainability reports: some empirical evidence 174
The Diffusion of Activity-Based Costing in Italy in the Last Decade: A Research Note 162
Strategic management accounting and business strategy: a loose coupling? 161
Strumenti per l'analisi dei costi. Esercizi e Casi di Cost Accounting 156
Modelli di misurazione della performance e del valore nel sistema dei servizi 154
Sustainability accounting in action: Lights and shadows in the Italian context 152
An analysis of publishing patterns in accounting history research in Italy, 1990-2004 151
Models of performance and value measurement in service systems 147
International approaches to clinical costing 142
Time-driven activity-based costing to improve transparency and decision making in healthcare 142
Changes in costing in Italy 141
Eco-efficiency measurement and the influence of organisational factors: Evidence from large Italian companies 141
Strategic Management Accounting. Modelli, strumenti ed evidenze empiriche 140
Business model in management commentary and the links with management accounting 140
Do management accounting systems influence organizational change or vice-versa? Evidence from a case of constructive research in the Healthcare Sector 138
Implementation and Perceived Usefulness of Advanced Management Accounting Techniques: A Survey on Italian Firms 137
L'adozione e la "percezione di utilità" delle tecniche di Advanced Management Accounting: risultati di uno studio su un campione di aziende italiane 134
Capacity usage 134
ANALISI, MISURAZIONE E GESTIONE DEI COSTI. Contesti e approcci emergenti nello studio dei costi 134
The making of Uniform costing ina war economy: the case of the Uniconti Commission in Fascist Italy 133
Considerazioni sul legame tra strategia e contabilità direzionale 132
Moving from Social and Sustainability Reporting to Integrated Reporting: Exploring the Potential of Italian Public-Funded Universities’ Reports 132
Communicating Intellectual Capital: evidence from social and sustainability reporting 131
Challenges to management accounting 131
Strategic Management Accounting Techniques: exploring distinctive features and adoption influencing variables 130
Patterns in Accounting History Research in Italy, 1990-2004 127
Corporate social responsibility and the communication of Intellectual Capital: evidence from social and sustainability reporting 125
Economia di guerra e cambiamenti nella contabilità: l’unificazione dei conti e della determinazione dei costi nell’esperienza della Commissione “Uniconti” (1941-42) 125
Il controllo di gestione nelle startup italiane: freno o motore di crescita? 125
La sostenibilità ambientale in azienda: quale relazione tra disclosure volontaria e gestione interna? 124
Do management accounting systems influence organizational change or vice-versa? Evidence from a case of constructive research in the Healthcare Sector 123
Roles of accounting in New Service Development within Servitization – the viewpoint of pragmatic constructivism 122
Implementing internal environmental management and voluntary environmental disclosure: Does organizational change happen 122
The communication of intellectual capital in the social and sustainability report: evidence from a sample of Italian companies 120
Is the adoption of Strategic Management Accounting techniques really "strategy-driven"? Evidence from a survey 117
Methodologies for managing performance measurement 117
Time Driven Activity Based Costing in Hospitals to manage limited resources and increasing demands 117
THE ROLE OF MANAGEMENT ACCOUNTING IN SERVITISATION. Exploring the potential role of Management Accounting in Servitising Manufacturing Companies, where services are increasingly offered along with physical products 117
La valutazione dei 'fattori di successo' dei sistemi di contabilità direzionale: i risultati di una ricerca sull'Activity-Based Costing 116
Economia di guerra e cambiamenti nella contabilità: l'unificazione dei conti e della determinazione dei costi nell'esperienza della Commissione "Uniconti" (1941-42) 114
The relevance of accounting information in the servitization process 113
An exploration of the factors affecting the diffusion of Advanced Costing techniques: a comparative analysis of two surveys (1996-2005) 112
Exploring the relationship between Strategy and Strategic Management Accounting Techniques 112
Contextual variables affecting sustainability accounting: results from a partial least square approach 112
I cambiamenti del costing nelle aziende manifatturiere italiane: risultati di una ricerca comparativa 111
I costi di Marketing: problemi di determinazione e gestione per le decisioni strategiche 108
Understanding performance measurement in public organization under pragmatic constructivism 108
Organisational change through environmental management and environmental voluntary disclosure An empirical viewpoint 107
La coesistenza di differenti metodi di pricing in un grande gruppo aziendale 106
Disclosing value creation in integrated reports according to the six capitals: a holistic approach for a holistic instrument 105
Economia di guerra e cambiamenti nella contabilità: unificazione dei conti e determinazione uniforme dei costi dall’esperienza della Commissione “Uniconti” (1941-42) 105
Sustainability accounting tools “in action”: evidence from a survey 104
Uniform costing for pricing in the War Economy of Fascism: the experience of the 'Uniconti' Commission in Italy (1941-42) 101
La comunicazione del Business Model: risultati di una ricerca sull’Integrated Reporting () 100
Management Accounting for Service: A Research Agenda 99
La misurazione di costi e performance nei nuovi modelli di business orientati ai servizi: risultati di un'analisi esplorativa 99
Roles of accounting and control in NSD within Servitization – a literature review and research implications 98
Servitization of SMEs through Strategic Alliances: a Case Study 98
The Interplay of Management Control Systems Adoption and Startup Growth Evidence from a Panel of Italian Startups 98
Do Companies walk the talk? Impression Management and Signalling Practices in Integrated Reporting context 97
Business model of web services: a challenge to management accounting some insights from the Google case 95
Reframing Strategic Management Accounting in Service-dominant Logic: the next stage in marketing/management accounting interface? 95
Making research in Management Accounting relevant: our experience of developing a research path 95
Methodologies for managing performance measurement 93
Sustainability accounting for decision making: a survey 93
Business Model Representation in Integrated Reporting: Best Practices and Guidelines 93
Una ricerca esplorativa sugli studi storici di Ragioneria in tema di bilancio (1990-2004) 92
Measuring performance and cost of healthcare organisations in Italy. The experience of Tuscany 92
Cost Management, Vol. 2 92
Costi e performance nell’economia dei servizi 91
Legitimation, environmental management and environmental voluntary disclosure: Exploring connections 91
La misurazione di costi e performance nei modelli di business orientati ai servizi: una ricerca esplorativa 91
Role of accounting in New Service Development within Servitization: a review, exploratory survey results and implications 89
Costing e Pricing nella Service Economy 89
Il cost management dei servizi: logiche, strumenti e prospettive di ricerca 88
L’informativa di bilancio e il Management Commentary: l’importanza del Business Model e il ruolo della Contabilità direzionale nell’evoluzione dei processi di comunicazione esterna 88
Discovering and understanding performance measurement in a context of ambiguity 88
Integrating the SDGs into the performance measurement systems: Preliminary insights from a multiple case study 88
Accounting, Biodiversity and Ecosystems 88
(Un)Performing Universities: the contradictory impacts of powerful numbers 84
Does it pay to be integrated thinkers? Integrated thinking, integrated reporting and effects on performance 84
Exploring the relationship between product-service system and profitability 83
Management Accounting for service: taking stock and looking ahead 82
Performance Measurement in Servitization: results from a structured literature review 82
Servitization in manufacturing: an opportunity to research on hybridization of management accounting 81
IR adoption and the role of the controller: A case study of an Italian SME 81
Integrated Reporting – What is the integration? 81
(Un)Performing Universities: the contradictory impacts of powerful numbers 80
Campagna toscana e industria tedesca: il caso Knauf 79
Il business dei servizi nelle PMI manifatturiere. Un cambiamento necessario per competere 77
Totale 11.973
Categoria #
all - tutte 69.810
article - articoli 0
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 0
Totale 69.810

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/20201.074 0 0 0 0 0 215 238 69 251 54 78 169
2020/20212.185 88 325 145 116 179 221 183 101 221 120 219 267
2021/20221.762 154 313 25 133 27 37 190 360 97 193 49 184
2022/20231.876 151 113 84 267 204 256 45 150 278 78 137 113
2023/20241.404 114 63 177 84 102 118 87 106 104 112 81 256
2024/20251.054 78 78 352 228 182 136 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 13.964